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The job of a miner is very difficult and dangerous. That is why they go to work calmly and quietly. Even in the mine they do not make noise so that they do not fall into disfavour with the Mountain man, who is in general a good spirit, but does not like shouting and whistling. Very rarely does a drunken miner dare to go into the tunnel or take a drink with him under the earth.

One miner once took a quarter litre of spirits with him to work and hid it in a dent in the cave, so that he could finish it during his break. When he came to get it during the break he found an empty bottle. The next day the exact same thing happened. Now the miner was very angry and he bought a litre of the strongest spirits and put it in his hiding place.

’Get drunk well, so that I know who you are!’’ During his break he found the Mountain man in the dent, intoxicated by the beverage. He grabbed the miner’s hand and they walked through the entire mountain of Peca, the miner even felt they went further. The Mountain man showed the miner areas with lead, iron, silver, gold and diamonds. When they finished walking he left the miner in front of the tunnel and laughed: ‘’You were silly not to grab my waist during the time I was intoxicated from the devil oil. That way I would have had to show you not only my treasures, but how to get to them from the outside! Now you only feasted your eyes, but you are the same idiot and poor man than you were before!’’The dwarf then disappeared and the miner walked off. But he no longer found his home or any of his people because he had been underground for 300 years!